Page 5 - Manual – Sous vide G21 – Trofeo
P. 5
The benefits of vacuum low temperature cooking
Using vacuum low-temperature cooking, the food does not need to be in direct contact with air
and water, which will reduce the loss of nutrients in the food, infiltration of harmful substances,
using no oil or using very little oil.
The heat is more even, the taste can penetrate into the food evenly, and the color of the food can
be preserved; the energy is saved compared with the oven and the gas stove, and the smoke
pollution of the kitchen can be reduced, different food can be cooked separately by packaging.
You don‘t need a special chef, even if you don‘t have any cooking experience, you can cook
healthy and delicious food according to the scientific recipe. You can cook according to the set
temperature and time according to the recipe.
Thanks to precise temperature and time control, it is possible to ensure that food not scorched
or dried out due to overcooking, especially for food cooked at medium and low temperatures.
Preparation for vacuum low temperature cooking
• Vacuum sealing machine - to ensure an air-tight seal, preventing air or liquid going in. You
can use our vacuum sealer with built-in foil holder, foil cutter and dual pump G21 Nefrit or our
vacuum sealer with dual pump G21 Onyx.
• Vacuum sealing bags - To pack foods in and thoroughly sealed, ensuring that no air or liquid
can go inside. Please also ensure that the vacuum sealing bags can bear temperatures up
to 100 °C.
• Cooking water tank or Sous Vide water bath - firstly put the cooking rack into the watertank,
then fill the tank or water bath with enough water to cover the food and controltemperature
for cooking. Please ensure that the water tank can bear temperature up to 100 °C.