Page 12 - Manual – Gas Grill G21 – Nevada BBQ
P. 12

        Your gas barbecue should be serviced annually by a competent registered person.

         PROBLEM        POSSIBLE CAUSE              SOLUTION
         The burner does   1.LP gas cylinder is empty  1.Replace with full cylinder
         not ignite using   2.Faulty regulator      2.have regulator checked or
         the ignition                               replace
         system         3.Obstructions in burner
                        4.Obstructions in gas jets or gas hose  3.Clean burner
                        5. Electrode wire loose or disconnec-  4.Clean jets and gas hose
                        ted on electrode or ignition unit  5.Reconnect wire
                        6.Electrode or wire is damaged faulty   6.Change electrode and wire
                        pushbutton igniter          change igniter
         The burner can-  1.LG gas cylinder is empty  1.Replace with full cylinder
         not be ignited   2.Faulty regulator        2.Have regulator checked or
         even with the                              replace
         use of matches  3.Obstructions in burner
                        4.Obstructions in gas jets or gas hose  3.Clean burner
                                                    4.Clean jets and gas hose
         Low flame or   1.LP gas cylinder is too small  1.Use larger cylinder
         flashback (fire   2.Obstructions in burner  2.Clean burner
         in burner tube-a
         hissing or roaring   3.Obstructions in gas jets or gas hose  3.Clean jets and gas hose
         noise may be   4.Windy conditions          4.Use BBQ in a more sheltered
         heard)                                     place
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